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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Built Environment and Building Service Engineering
Year : 
Semester : 
Division subject No Subject Credit In English
Major Electives 3160012 Building services practice 3
Major Electives 3160013 Building services remodelling 3
Major Electives 3160015 New and renewable energy system 3
Major Electives 3160019 Computational thermal-fluid sciences 3
Major Electives 3160024 Building energy management 3
Major Electives 3160025 Heating system 3
Major Electives 3160026 Humidity control 3
Major Electives 3160031 Advanced HVAC 3
Major Electives 3160036 Advanced Thermodynamics 3
Major Electives 3160037 Advanced Fluid Dynamics 3
Major Electives 3160038 Advanced Heat Transfer 3
Major Electives 3160039 Advanced Engineering Statistics 3
Major Electives 3160040 Building Information Modeling and Simulations 3
Major Electives 3160041 Advanced Building Simulations 3
Major Electives 3160042 Green building services 3
Major Electives 3160043 Architectural environment 3 Y
Major Electives 3160044 Indoor thermal environment 3
Major Electives 3160045 Indoor acoustics 3
Major Electives 3160046 Indoor air and ventilation 3
Major Electives 3160047 Indoor lighting 3
Major Electives 3160048 Sanitary services 3
Major Required Courses 3160049 Stoudy of ThesisⅠ 3
Major Required Courses 3160050 Stoudy of ThesisⅡ 3
Major Required Courses 9900011 Independent Study for Start-up 3
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