 학과안내 건축공학과  교수진 소개
건축시공 및 재료
상상관(53번) 507호
숭실대학교 건축학부, 공학사 (2015)
숭실대학교 건축학과, 공학석사 (2017)
연세대학교 건축공학과, 공학박사 (2022)
주요 경력
2023- 서울과학기술대학교, 조교수
2023, Illinois Institute of Technology, Post-doc
2022-2023, 연세대학교, 연구교수
2020-2023, 연세대학교, 시간강사
2017-2019, 숭실대학교, 시간강사
연구 분야
첨단신소재, 고성능단열재, 에너지저장성 축열건축소재, 난연건축소재, 건축환경신소재, 건물외피시스템
담당 교과목
건축재료개론, 건축첨단시공재료, 건축신소재성능설계
저널 논문
◾ Bigyeong Shin, Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Estimation of energy demand and greenhouse gas emission reduction effect of cross-laminated timber (CLT) hybrid wall using life cycle assessment for urban residential planning, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 185, 113604. (2023-10)
◾ Bigyeong Shin, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Assessing the environmental impact of using CLT-hybrid walls as a sustainable alternative in high-rise residential buildings, Energy and Buildings, 294, 113228. (2023-09)
◾ Dimberu G. Atinafu, Beom Yeol Yun, Seunghwan Wi, Eilhann E. Kwon, Sumin Kim, Unveiling the effect of molecular chains in thermal energy storage capacity and transition temperature of alkane-based phase change composites, Chemical Engineering Journal, 462, 142303. (2023-04)
◾ Dimberu G. Atinafu, Beom Yeol Yun, Seunghwan Wi, Seong Jin Chang, Sumin Kim, Unveiling sustainable nano-enabled phase change materials for high thermal stability and energy storage capacity, Journal of Energy Storage, 60, 106650. (2023-04)
◾ Kkotbora Hur, Hak Joo Lee, Seunghwan Wi, Seong Jin Chang, Sumin Kim, Barrier effect of insulation against harmful chemical substances according to the wall surface construction of layered building materials, Construction and Building Materials, 368, 130430. (2023-03)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Sungwoong Yang, Beom Yeol Yun, Yujin Kang, Sumin Kim, Fire retardant performance, toxicity and combustion characteristics, and numerical evaluation of core materials for sandwich panels, Environmental Pollution, 312, 120067. (2022-11)
◾ Yujin Kang, Ho Hyeon Jo, Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Numerical evaluation of indoor hygrothermal behavior with heat and moisture transfer in walls by analytical conditions, Applied Thermal Engineering, 216, 119150. (2022-11)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Sungwoong Yang, Young Uk Kim, Yujin Kang, Sumin Kim, Toxicity characteristics and fire retardant performance of commercially manufactured organic insulation materials for building applications, Construction and Building Materials, 341, 127898. (2022-07)
◾ Sungwoong Yang, Hyeonseong Yuk, Beom Yeol Yun, Young Uk Kim, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Passive PM2.5 control plan of educational buildings by using airtight improvement technologies in South Korea, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 423, 126990. (2022-02)
◾ Beom Yeol Yun, Yujin Kang, Young Uk Kim, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Practical solutions with PCM for providing thermal stability of temporary house, school and hospital in disaster situations, Building and Environment, 207, B, 108540. (2022-01)
◾ Dimberu G. Atinafu, Beom Yeol Yun, Sungwoong Yang, Hyeonseong Yuk, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Structurally advanced hybrid support composite phase change materials: Architectural synergy, Energy Storage Materials, 42, 164-184. (2021-11)
◾ Ji Hun Park, Young Uk Kim, Jisoo Jeon, Seunghwan Wi, Seong Jin Chang, Sumin Kim, Effect of eco-friendly pervious concrete with amorphous metallic fiber on evaporative cooling performance, Journal of Environmental Management, 297, 113269. (2021-11)
◾ Young Uk Kim, Beom Yeol Yun, JiHee Nam, Ji Yong Choi, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Evaluation of thermal properties of phase change material-integrated artificial stone according to biochar loading content, Construction and Building Materials, 305, 124682. (2021-10)
◾ Su-Gwang Jeong, Seunghwan Wi, Seong Jin Chang, Sumin Kim, Energy performance evaluation of heat storage of calcium sulfate hemihydrate composite with fine aggregate based on paraffinic phase change material, Journal of Building Engineering, 42, 103075. (2021-10)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Sungwoong Yang, Beom Yeol Yun, Sumin Kim, Exterior insulation finishing system using cementitious plaster/microencapsulated phase change material for improving the building thermal storage performance, Construction and Building Materials, 299, 123932. (2021-09)
◾ Dimberu G. Atinafu, Beom Yeol Yun, Young Uk Kim, Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Thermoconductive n-alkane enables ultra-high shape/thermal stability, durability, and ambient thermal energy harvesting, Chemical Engineering Journal, 420, 130374. (2021-09)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Yujin Kang, Sungwoong Yang, Young Uk Kim, Sumin Kim, Hazard evaluation of indoor environment based on long-term pollutant emission characteristics of building insulation materials: An empirical study, Environmental Pollution, 285, 117223. (2021-09)
◾ Hyeonseong Yuk, Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Yujin Kang, Sumin Kim, Verification of particle matter generation due to deterioration of building materials as the cause of indoor fine dust, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 416, 125920. (2021-08)
◾ Dimberu G. Atinafu, Beom Yeol Yun, Young Uk Kim, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Introduction of eicosane into biochar derived from softwood and wheat straw: Influence of porous structure and surface chemistry, Chemical Engineering Journal, 415, 128887. (2021-07)
◾ Dimberu G. Atinafu, Beom Yeol Yun, Yujin Kang, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Three-dimensional hybrid carbon nanocomposite-based intelligent composite phase change material with leakage resistance, low electrical resistivity, and high latent heat, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 98, 435-443. (2021-06)
◾ Hyeonseong Yuk, Sungwoong Yang, Young Uk Kim, Beom Yeol Yun, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Analysis of the influence of moisture and temperature control according to the combination of porous sediment and MPCM, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 97, 390-401. (2021-05)
◾ Jisoo Jeon, Hyoung-il Kim, Ji Hun Park, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Evaluation of thermal properties and acetaldehyde adsorption performance of sustainable composites using waste wood and biochar, Environmental Research, 196, 110910. (2021-05)
◾ Ji Hun Park, Umberto Berardi, Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Yujin Kang, Sumin Kim, Energy retrofit of PCM-applied apartment buildings considering building orientation and height, Energy, 222, 119877. (2021-05)
◾ Dimberu G. Atinafu, Beom Yeol Yun, Seunghwan Wi, Yujin Kang, Sumin Kim, A comparative analysis of biochar, activated carbon, expanded graphite, and multi-walled carbon nanotubes with respect to PCM loading and energy-storage capacities, Environmental Research, 195, 110853. (2021-04)
◾ Jiwon Yoo, Seong Jin Chang, Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Young Uk Kim, Sumin Kim, Performance of the hygrothermal behavior of the CLT wall using different types of insulation; XPS, PF board and glass wool, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 24, 100846. (2021-04)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Ji Hun Park, Young Uk Kim, Sungwoong Yang, Sumin Kim, Thermal, hygric, and environmental performance evaluation of thermal insulation materials for their sustainable utilization in buildings, Environmental Pollution, 272, 116033. (2021-03)
◾ Jisoo Jeon, Ji Hun Park, Hyeonseong Yuk, Young Uk Kim, Beom Yeol Yun, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Evaluation of hygrothermal performance of wood-derived biocomposite with biochar in response to climate change, Environmental Research, 193, 110359. (2021-02)
◾ Seong Jin Chang, Youngtag Kim, Gyeong Seok Choi, Seunghwan Wi, Yujin Kang, Sumin Kim, Effective thermal performance analysis of vacuum insulation panel with metal-less film and infrared-dried core material, Energy and Buildings, 233, 110684. (2021-02)
◾ Young Uk Kim, Ji Hun Park, Beom Yeol Yun, Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Mechanical and thermal properties of artificial stone finishing materials mixed with PCM impregnated lightweight aggregate and carbon material, Construction and Building Materials, 272, 121882. (2021-02)
◾ Dimberu G. Atinafu, Seunghwan Wi, Beom Yeol Yun, Sumin Kim, Engineering biochar with multiwalled carbon nanotube for efficient phase change material encapsulation and thermal energy storage, Energy, 216, 119294. (2021-02)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Ji Hun Park, Young Uk Kim, Sumin Kim, Evaluation of environmental impact on the formaldehyde emission and flame-retardant performance of thermal insulation materials, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 402, 123463. (2021-01)
◾ Seong Jin Chang, Jiwon Yoo, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Numerical analysis on the hygrothermal behavior of building envelope according to CLT wall assembly considering the hygrothermal-environmental zone in Korea, Environmental Research, 191, 110198. (2020-12)
◾ Umberto Berardi, Mahsa Nikafkar, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Experimental verification of the theoretical aging of vacuum insulated panels, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 90: 300-304. (2020-10)
◾ Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Hyun Mi Cho, Ji Hun Park, Beom Yeol Yun, Sumin Kim, Developing energy-efficient temporary houses for sustainable urban regeneration: manufacturing homes with loess, pearlite, and vermiculite, Sustainable Cities and Society, 61, 102287. (2020-10)
◾ Hyun Mi Cho, Beom Yeol Yun, Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Seong Jin Chang, Sumin Kim, Optimal energy retrofit plan for conservation and sustainable use of historic campus building: Case of cultural property building, Applied Energy, 275, 115313. (2020-10)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Umberto Berardi, Sam Di Loreto, Sumin Kim, Microstructure and thermal characterization of aerogel-graphite polyurethane spray-foam composite for high efficiency thermal energy utilization, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 397, 122656. (2020-10)
◾ Jongki Lee, Seunghwan Wi, Sungwoong Yang, Sumin Kim, Experimental study and assessment of high-tech thermal energy storing radiant floor heating system with latent heat storage materials, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 155, 106410. (2020-09)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Man-Goo Kim, Seung-Woon Myung, Yong Kyu Baik, Kang-Bong Lee, Hea-Seung Song, Myung-Jin Kwak, Sumin Kim, Evaluation and analysis of volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde emission of building products in accordance with legal standards: a statistical experimental study, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 393, 122381. (2020-07)
◾ Hyun Mi Cho, Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Seong Jin Chang, Sumin Kim, Hygrothermal and energy retrofit planning of masonry façade historic building used as museum and office: a cultural properties case study, Energy, 201, 117607. (2020-06)
◾ Ji Hun Park, Beom Yeol Yun, Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Jisoo Jeon, Sumin Kim, Impact of a passive retrofit shading system on educational building to improve thermal comfort and energy consumption, Energy and Buildings, 216, 109930. (2020-06)
◾ Jisoo Jeon, Ji Hun Park, Beom Yeol Yun, Seunghwan Wi, Taeyeon Kim, Sumin Kim, Field study on the improvement of indoor air quality with toluene adsorption finishing materials in an urban residential apartment, Environmental Pollution, 261, 114137. (2020-06)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Seong Jin Chang, Sumin Kim, Improvement of thermal inertia effect in buildings using shape stabilized PCM wallboard based on the enthalpy-temperature function, Sustainable Cities and Society, 56, 102067. (2020-05)
◾ Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Ji Hun Park, Hyun Mi Cho, Sumin Kim, Framework for developing a building material property database using web crawling to improve the applicability of energy simulation tools, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 121, 109665. (2020-04)
◾ Ji Hun Park, Seunghwan Wi, Seong Jin Chang, Sumin Kim, Analysis of energy retrofit system using latent heat storage materials applied to residential buildings considering climate impacts, Applied Thermal Engineering, 169, 114904. (2020-03)
◾ Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Hyun Mi Cho, Su-Gwang Jeong, Sumin Kim, Numerical analysis of phase change materials/wood-plastic composite roof module system for improving thermal performance, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 82, 413-423. (2020-02)
◾ Beom Yeol Yun, Ji Hun Park, Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Integrated analysis of the energy and economic efficiency of PCM as an indoor decoration element: Application to an apartment building, Solar Energy, 196, 437-447. (2020-01)
◾ Jeonghun Lee, Seunghwan Wi, Seong Jin Chang, Jeongman Choi, Sumin Kim, Prediction evaluating of moisture problems in light-weight wood structure: Perspectives on regional climates and building materials, Building and Environment, 168, 106521.(2020-01)
◾ Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Seog-Goo Kang, Sumin Kim, Moisture risk assessment of cross-laminated timber walls: Perspectives on climate conditions and water vapor resistance performance of building materials, Building and Environment, 168, 106502.(2020-01)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Sungwoong Yang, Ji Hun Park, Seong Jin Chang, Sumin Kim, Climatic cycling assessment of red clay/perlite and vermiculite composite PCM for improving thermal inertia in buildings, Building and Environment, 167, 106464. (2020-01)
◾ Jisoo Jeon, Ji Hun Park, Seunghwan Wi, Sungwoong Yang, Yong Sik Ok, Sumin Kim, Characterization of biocomposite using coconut oil impregnated biochar as latent heat storage insulation, Chemosphere, 236, 124269. (2019-12)
◾ Jisoo Jeon, Ji Hun Park, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Thermal performance enhancement of a phase change material with expanded graphite via ultrasonication, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 79, 437-442. (2019-11)
◾ Hyun Mi Cho, Ji Hun Park, Seunghwan Wi, Seong Jin Chang, Geun Young Yun, Sumin Kim, Energy retrofit analysis of cross-laminated timber residential buildings in Seoul, Korea: Insights from a case study of packages, Energy and Buildings, 202, 109329. (2019-11)
◾ Jiwon Yoo, Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Spent coffee grounds as supporting materials to produce bio-composite PCM with natural waxes, Chemosphere, 235, 626-635. (2019-11)
◾ Hwayoung Lee, Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Thermal transfer behavior of biochar-natural inorganic clay composite for building envelope insulation, Construction and Building Materials, 223, 668-678. (2019-10)
◾ Hyun Mi Cho, Jongki Lee, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Field study on indoor air quality of wood remodeled welfare facilities for physical and psychological benefits, Journal of Cleaner Production, 233, 197-208. (2019-10)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Sungwoong Yang, Umberto Berardi, Sumin Kim, Assessment of recycled ceramic-based inorganic insulation for improving energy efficiency and flame retardancy of buildings, Environment International, 130, 104900. (2019-09)
◾ Hyun Mi Cho, Seunghwan Wi, Seong Jin Chang, Sumin Kim, Hygrothermal properties analysis of cross-laminated timber wall with internal and external insulation systems, Journal of Cleaner Production, 231, 1353-1363. (2019-09)
◾ Beom Yeol Yun, Sungwoong Yang, Hyun Mi Cho, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Thermal storage effect analysis of floor heating systems using latent heat storage sheets, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 6(4), 799-807 (2019-08)
◾ Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Ji Hun Park, Hyun Mi Cho, Sumin Kim, Novel proposal to overcome insulation limitations due to nonlinear structures using 3D printing: hybrid heat-storage system, Energy and Buildings, 197, 177-187. (2019-08)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Sungwoong Yang, Jongki Lee, Seong Jin Chang, Sumin Kim, Dynamic heat transfer and thermal performance evaluation of PCM-doped hybrid hollow plaster panels for buildings, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 374, 428-436. (2019-07)
◾ Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Thermal bridging analysis of connections in cross-laminated timber buildings based on ISO 10211, Construction and Building Materials, 213, 709-722. (2019-07)
◾ Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Jongki Lee, Hwayoung Lee, Sumin Kim, Biochar-red clay composites for energy efficiency as eco-friendly building materials: Thermal and mechanical performance, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 373, 844-855. (2019-07)
◾ Jongki Lee, Seunghwan Wi, Beom Yeol Yun, Sungwoong Yang, Ji Hun Park, Sumin Kim, Development and evaluation of gypsum/shape-stabilization phase change materials using large-capacity vacuum impregnator for thermal energy storage, Applied Energy, 241, 278-290. (2019-05)
◾ Su-Gwang Jeong, Seunghwan Wi, Seong Jin Chang, Jongki Lee, Sumin Kim, An experimental study on applying organic PCMs to gypsum-cement board for improving thermal performance of buildings in different climates, Energy and Buildings, 190, 183-194. (2019-05)
◾ Jisoo Jeon, Ji Hun Park, Seunghwan Wi, Sungwoong Yang, Yong Sik Ok, Sumin Kim, Latent heat storage biocomposites of phase change material-biochar as feasible eco-friendly building materials, Environmental Research, 172, 637-648. (2019-05)
◾ Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Jongki Lee, Sumin Kim, Thermal performance analysis of phase change materials composed of double layers considering heating and cooling period, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 72, 255-264. (2019-04)
◾ Ji Hun Park, Yujin Kang, Jongki Lee, Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Development of wood-lime boards as building materials improving thermal and moisture performance based on hygrothermal behavior evaluation, Construction and Building Materials, 204, 576-585. (2019-04)
◾ Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Jongki Lee, Sumin Kim, Development of vacuum impregnation equipment and preparation of mass/uniform shape-stabilized phase change materials, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 132, 817-824. (2019-04)
◾ Ji Hun Park, Jisoo Jeon, Jongki Lee, Seunghwan Wi, Beom Yeol Yun, Sumin Kim, Comparative analysis of the PCM application according to the building type as retrofit system, Building and Environment, 151, 291-302. (2019-03)
◾ Jiwon Yoo, Seong Jin Chang, Jongki Lee, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Numerical analysis of hygrothermal properties and behavior of Korean based cross-laminated timber (CLT) wall system to deduce optimal assemblies, Journal of Cleaner Production, 213, 1217-1227. (2019-03)
◾ Sungwoong Yang, Seunghwan Wi, Jongki Lee, Jisoo Jeon, Sumin Kim, Thermal performance evaluation of Hwangtoh board developed with styrene butadiene latex/SSPCM, Construction and Building Materials, 200, 310-317. (2019-03)
◾ Ji Hun Park, Jongki Lee, Seunghwan Wi, Jisoo Jeon, Seong Jin Chang, Jae D. Chang, Sumin Kim, Optimization of phase change materials to improve energy performance within thermal comfort range in South Korean climate, Energy and Buildings, 185, 12-25. (2019-02)
◾ Jongki Lee, Seunghwan Wi, Beom Yeol Yun, Seong Jin Chang, Sumin Kim, Thermal and characteristic analysis of shape-stabilization phase change materials by advanced vacuum impregnation method using carbon-based materials, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 70, 281-289. (2019-02)
◾ Ji Hun Park, Yujin Kang, Jongki Lee, Seunghwan Wi, Jae D. Chang, Sumin Kim, Analysis of walls of functional gypsum board added with porous material and phase change material to improve hygrothermal performance, Energy and Buildings, 183, 803-816. (2019-01)
◾ Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Su-Gwang Jeong, Sumin Kim, Analysis on phase transition range of the pure and mixed phase change materials (PCM) using a thermostatic chamber test and differentiation, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 131, 1999-2004. (2018-02)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Su-Gwang Jeong, Seong Jin Chang, Jongki Lee, Sumin Kim, Evaluation of energy efficient hybrid hollow plaster panel using phase change material/xGnP composites, Applied Energy, 205, 1548-1559. (2017-11)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Su-Gwang Jeong, Seong Jin Chang, Jongki Lee, Sumin Kim, Performance evaluation of macro-packed fatty acid ester composites using energy-efficient thermal storage systems, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 55, 215-223. (2017-11)
◾ Jongki Lee, Seunghwan Wi, Su-Gwang Jeong, Seong Jin Chang, Sumin Kim, Development of thermal enhanced n-octadecane/porous nano carbon-based materials using 3-step filtered vacuum impregnation method, Thermochimica Acta, 655(10), 194-201. (2017-09)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Su-Gwang Jeong, Seong Jin Chang, Jongki Lee, Sumin Kim, Energy-Efficient Heat Storage using Gypsum Board with Fatty Acid Ester as Layered Phase Change Material, Energy Technology 5(8), 1392~1398. (2017-08)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Seong Jin Chang, Su-Gwang Jeong, Jongki Lee, Taeyeon Kim, Kyung-Won Park, Dong Ryeol Lee, Sumin Kim, Evaluation of Toluene Adsorption Performance of Mortar Adhesives Using Porous Carbon Material as Adsorbent, Materials, 10(8), 853-863. (2017-07)
◾ Su-Gwang Jeong, Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Jongki Lee, Sumin Kim, Energy performance evaluation of heat-storage gypsum board with hybrid SSPCM composite, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 51, 237-243. (2017-07)
◾ Seong Jin Chang, Yujin Kang, Seunghwan Wi, Su-Gwang Jeong, Sumin Kim, Hygrothermal performance improvement of the Korean wood frame walls using macro-packed phase change materials (MPPCM), Applied Thermal Engineering, 114, 457-465. (2017-03)
◾ Su-Gwang Jeong, Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Yujin Kang, Hwayoung Lee, Sumin Kim, Development of heat storage gypsum board with paraffin-based mixed SSPCM for application to buildings, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 31(3), 297-309. (2017-02)
◾ Hwayoung Lee, Su-Gwang Jeong, Seong Jin Chang, Yujin Kang, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Thermal Performance Evaluation of Fatty Acid Ester and Paraffin Based Mixed SSPCMs Using Exfoliated Graphite Nanoplatelets (xGnP), Applied Sciences, 6(4), 106-115. (2016-04)
◾ Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Su-Gwang Jeong, Sumin Kim, Thermal performance evaluation of macro-packed phase change materials (PCMs) using heat transfer analysis device, Energy and Buildings, 117, 120~127. (2016-04)
◾ Su-Gwang Jeong, Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Yujin Kang, Jae-Han Lim, Jae D. Chang, Sumin Kim, Energy efficient concrete with n-octadecane/xGnP SSPCM for energy conservation in infrastructure, Construction and Building Materials, 106, 543~549. (2016-03)
◾ Su-Gwang Jeong, Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Yujin Kang, Sumin Kim, Development and performance evaluation of heat storage paint with MPCM for applying roof materials as basic research, Energy and Buildings, 112, 62~68. (2016-01)
◾ Yujin Kang, Su-Gwang Jeong, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Energy efficient Bio-based PCM with silica fume composites to apply in concrete for energy saving in buildings, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 143, 430~434. (2015-12)
◾ Seunghwan Wi, Jungki Seo, Su-Gwang Jeong, Seong Jin Chang, Yujin Kang, Sumin Kim, Thermal properties of shape-stabilized phase change materials using fatty acid ester and exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets for saving energy in buildings, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 143, 168~173. (2015-12)
◾ Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Su-Gwang Jeong and Sumin Kim, Evaluation of the Adsorption Performance and Sustainability of Exfoliated Graphite Nanoplatelets(xGnP) for VOCs, Materials, 8, 7615~7621. (2015-11)
◾ Su-Gwang Jeong, Seong Jin Chang, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim"Energy efficient thermal storage montmorillonite with phase change material containing exforliated graphite nanoplatelets"Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 139, 65~70. (2015-08)
◾ Novel exterior insulation finishing: Enhancing building energy efficiency and flame-retardancy through thermal storage and fire propagation prevention, CASE STUDIES IN THERMAL ENGINEERING, vol.59, 2024위승환
◾ Evaluation of heterogeneous core sandwich panels for energy efficiency and fire safety in warehouse buildings, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, vol.249, 2024위승환
◾ Performances and properties of steel and composite prestressed tendons - A review, HELIYON, vol.10 No.11, 2024위승환
◾ Active protection against fire: Enhancing the flame retardancy of sandwich panels using an expandable graphite layer formation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES, vol.195, 2024위승환
◾ Estimation of energy demand and greenhouse gas emission reduction effect of cross-laminated timber (CLT) hybrid wall using life cycle assessment for urban residential planning, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, vol.185, 2023위승환
◾ Assessing the environmental impact of using CLT-hybrid walls as a sustainable alternative in high-rise residential buildings, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, vol.294, 2023위승환
◾ Unveiling sustainable nano-enabled phase change materials for high thermal stability and energy storage capacity, JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, vol.60, 2023위승환
◾ Barrier effect of insulation against harmful chemical substances according to the wall surface construction of layered building materials, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol.368, 2023위승환
◾ Fire retardant performance, toxicity and combustion characteristics, and numerical evaluation of core materials for sandwich panels, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, vol.312, 2022위승환
◾ Numerical evaluation of indoor hygrothermal behavior with heat and moisture transfer in walls by analytical conditions, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, vol.216, 2022위승환
◾ Toxicity characteristics and fire retardant performance of commercially manufactured organic insulation materials for building applications, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol.341, 2022위승환
◾ Passive PM2.5 control plan of educational buildings by using airtight improvement technologies in South Korea, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, vol.423, 2022위승환
◾ Practical solutions with PCM for providing thermal stability of temporary house, school and hospital in disaster situations, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, vol.207, 2022위승환
◾ Structurally advanced hybrid support composite phase change materials: Architectural synergy, ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS, vol.42 pp.164~184, 2021위승환
◾ Effect of eco-friendly pervious concrete with amorphous metallic fiber on evaporative cooling performance, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, vol.297, 2021위승환
◾ Evaluation of thermal properties of phase change material-integrated artificial stone according to biochar loading content, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol.305, 2021위승환
◾ Energy performance evaluation of heat storage of calcium sulfate hemihydrate composite with fine aggregate based on paraffinic phase change material, JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING, vol.42, 2021위승환
◾ Hazard evaluation of indoor environment based on long-term pollutant emission characteristics of building insulation materials: An empirical study, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, vol.285, 2021위승환
◾ Thermoconductive n-alkane enables ultra-high shape/thermal stability, durability, and ambient thermal energy harvesting, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, vol.420, 2021위승환
◾ Exterior insulation finishing system using cementitious plaster/microencapsulated phase change material for improving the building thermal storage performance, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol.299, 2021위승환
◾ Verification of particle matter generation due to deterioration of building materials as the cause of indoor fine dust, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, vol.416, 2021위승환
◾ Introduction of eicosane into biochar derived from softwood and wheat straw: Influence of porous structure and surface chemistry, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, vol.415, 2021위승환
◾ Three-dimensional hybrid carbon nanocomposite-based intelligent composite phase change material with leakage resistance, low electrical resistivity, and high latent heat, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, vol.98 pp.435~443, 2021위승환
◾ Analysis of the influence of moisture and temperature control according to the combination of porous sediment and MPCM, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, vol.97 pp.390~401, 2021위승환
◾ Evaluation of thermal properties and acetaldehyde adsorption performance of sustainable composites using waste wood and biochar, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, vol.196, 2021위승환
◾ Energy retrofit of PCM-applied apartment buildings considering building orientation and height, ENERGY, vol.222, 2021위승환
◾ A comparative analysis of biochar, activated carbon, expanded graphite, and multi-walled carbon nanotubes with respect to PCM loading and energy-storage capacities, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, vol.195, 2021위승환
◾ Performance of the hygrothermal behavior of the CLT wall using different types of insulation; XPS, PF board and glass wool, CASE STUDIES IN THERMAL ENGINEERING, vol.24, 2021위승환
◾ Thermal, hygric, and environmental performance evaluation of thermal insulation materials for their sustainable utilization in buildings, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, vol.272, 2021위승환
◾ Effective thermal performance analysis of vacuum insulation panel with metal-less film and infrared-dried core material, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, vol.233, 2021위승환
◾ Engineering biochar with multiwalled carbon nanotube for efficient phase change material encapsulation and thermal energy storage, ENERGY, vol.216, 2021위승환
◾ Evaluation of hygrothermal performance of wood-derived biocomposite with biochar in response to climate change, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, vol.193, 2021위승환
◾ Mechanical and thermal properties of artificial stone finishing materials mixed with PCM impregnated lightweight aggregate and carbon material, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol.272, 2021위승환
◾ Evaluation of environmental impact on the formaldehyde emission and flame-retardant performance of thermal insulation materials, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, vol.402, 2021위승환
◾ Numerical analysis on the hygrothermal behavior of building envelope according to CLT wall assembly considering the hygrothermal-environmental zone in Kore, Environmental Research, 2020위승환
◾ Optimal energy retrofit plan for conservation and sustainable use of historic campus building: Case of cultural property building, APPLIED ENERGY, vol.275, 2020위승환
◾ Developing energy-efficient temporary houses for sustainable urban regeneration: Manufacturing homes with loess, pearlite, and vermiculite, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, vol.61, 2020위승환
◾ Microstructure and thermal characterization of aerogel-graphite polyurethane spray-foam composite for high efficiency thermal energy utilization, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, vol.397, 2020위승환
◾ Experimental verification of the theoretical aging of vacuum insulated panels, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, vol.90 pp.300~304, 2020위승환
◾ Evaluation and analysis of volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde emission of building products in accordance with legal standards: A statistical experimental study, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, vol.393, 2020위승환
◾ Hygrothermal and energy retrofit planning of masonry facade historic building used as museum and office: A cultural properties case study, ENERGY, vol.201, 2020위승환
◾ Impact of a passive retrofit shading system on educational building to improve thermal comfort and energy consumption, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, vol.216, 2020위승환
◾ Field study on the improvement of indoor air quality with toluene adsorption finishing materials in an urban residential apartment, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, vol.261, 2020위승환
◾ Improvement of thermal inertia effect in buildings using shape stabilized PCM wallboard based on the enthalpy-temperature function, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, vol.56, 2020위승환
◾ Framework for developing a building material property database using web crawling to improve the applicability of energy simulation tools, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, vol.121, 2020위승환
◾ Analysis of energy retrofit system using latent heat storage materials applied to residential buildings considering climate impacts, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, vol.169, 2020위승환
◾ Numerical analysis of phase change materials/wood-plastic composite roof module system for improving thermal performance, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, vol.82 pp.413~423, 2020위승환
◾ Climatic cycling assessment of red clay/perlite and vermiculite composite PCM for improving thermal inertia in buildings, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, vol.167, 2020위승환
◾ Moisture risk assessment of cross-laminated timber walls: Perspectives on climate conditions and water vapor resistance performance of building materials, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, vol.168, 2020위승환
◾ Integrated analysis of the energy and economic efficiency of PCM as an indoor decoration element: Application to an apartment building, SOLAR ENERGY, vol.196 pp.437~447, 2020위승환
◾ Prediction evaluating of moisture problems in light -weight wood structure: Perspectives on regional climates and building materials, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, vol.168, 2020위승환
◾ Characterization of biocomposite using coconut oil impregnated biochar as latent heat storage insulation, CHEMOSPHERE, vol.236, 2019위승환
◾ Spent coffee grounds as supporting materials to produce bio-composite PCM with natural waxes, Chemosphere, vol.235 pp.626~635, 2019위승환
◾ Energy retrofit analysis of cross-laminated timber residential buildings in Seoul, Korea: Insights from a case study of packages, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, vol.202, 2019위승환
◾ Thermal performance enhancement of a phase change material with expanded graphite via ultrasonication, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, vol.79 pp.437~442, 2019위승환
◾ Thermal transfer behavior of biochar-natural inorganic clay composite for building envelope insulation, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol.223 pp.668~678, 2019위승환
◾ Field study on indoor air quality of wood remodeled welfare facilities for physical and psychological benefits, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, vol.233 pp.197~208, 2019위승환
◾ 박건우, 한상우, 위승환, 캡슐화 PCM 기반 고효율 바닥난방 모르타르의 열성능 평가 및 건축물 에너지 절감 효과 연구, 2024년 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 더케이호텔 경주, 2024위승환
◾ Ji Yong Choi, Ji Hun Park, Seunghwan Wi, Sumin Kim, Strategies to improve flame retardant of bio-building materials through pre-biochar layering, Indoor Air 2024, Honolulu, 2024위승환
◾ 최지용, 남지희, 위승환, 화재 안전성이 향상된 생태재료 기반 건축자재 평가, 2023년 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회논문집, 하이원 그랜드호텔, 2023위승환
◾ 난연성능을 향상시키는 이종재질 팽창흑연 내화부가 구비된 샌드위치패널, (2022), 출원 10-2022-0180175, 대한민국
◾ 공공건축물 목재 사용 의무화 도입을 위한 목재 건축자재의 탄소중립 기여도 산출방법, (2021), 출원 10-2021-0170687, 대한민국
◾ 열관류율을 저감시키는 이종재질 심재부가 구비된 샌드위치패널, (2021), 출원 10-2021-0166561, 대한민국
◾ 건축 자재 물성 데이터 수집 시스템 및 방법, (2018), 출원 10-2018-0125268, 대한민국
◾ 건축물 냉난방 부하 저감을 위한 상안정 상변화 물질 적용 축열 석고보드 및 이의 제조 방법, (2018), 등록 10-1869255, 대한민국
◾ 축열 성능이 향상된 상안정 상변화 물질 적용 콘크리트 및 이의 제조 방법, (2018), 등록 10-1841945, 대한민국
◾ 바니시 도막 형성을 통한 상변화 물질이 적용된 고축열 석고보드 및 이의 제조 방법, (2017), 등록 10-1824473, 대한민국
◾ 진공함침장치 및 이를 이용한 상안정 상변화물질 제조 방법, (2017), 등록 10-1785292 , 대한민국
◾ 대용량 포장된 상변화 물질이 적용된 바닥 난방 구조 시공방법 및 축열 바닥 난방 구조, (2017), 등록 10-1746433, 대한민국
◾ 축열 건축자재의 가변형 전열해석 장치 및 그 장치를 이용한 축열 건축자재의 전열 해석 방법, 그 방법을 수행하기 위한 기록 매체, (2017), 등록 10-1726198, 대한민국
◾ 포장된 상변화 물질의 제조 방법 및 포장된 상변화 물질, (2015), 출원 10-2015-0161943, 대한민국
◾ 축열 석고보드 및 이의 제조방법, (2015), 출원 10-2015-0112289, 대한민국
◾ '22.03~'27.02, (연구책임자) 탄소중립 및 안전한 사회 실현을 위한 에너지저장성/내화소재 기반 고성능 외피시스템 디테일 개발, 세종과학펠로우십, 한국연구재단
◾ '18.03~'21.02, (연구책임자) Bio기반 에너지저장형소재와 생태재료를 활용한 친환경 축열생태건축자재 개발, 글로벌박사펠로우십사업, 한국연구재단
◾ '22.04~'24.12, 목질화 리모델링 탄소중립 기여도 산출 프로세스 개발, 산학연 협력체계구축 및 실증기술 개발사업, 한국임업진흥원
◾ '21.04~'22.12, 재난대응 유연성 및 화재안전 확보를 위한 고난연·고단열 샌드위치패널 개발, 국토교통기술촉진연구사업, 국토교통과학기술진흥원
◾ '20.05~'23.08, 제로에너지건축물 구현을 위한 스마트 외장재·설비 융복합 기술개발 및 성능평가 체계 구축, 실증, 에너지수요관리핵심기술개발사업, 한국에너지기술평가원
◾ '20.01~'23.08, 저탄소 에너지효율화 기술 기반 에너지공유 커뮤니티 구축 기술 개발, 저탄소 에너지 고효율 건축기술 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원
◾ '19.01~'21.12, 제로에너지 건물의 패키지화 엔지니어링 고급트랙, 에너지인력양성(R&D), 한국에너지기술평가원
◾ '18.07~'20.06, 저층 주거건물 에너지기술 적용 타당성 평가 및 솔루션 개발, 에너지기술수용성제고및사업화촉진사업, 한국에너지기술평가원
◾ '18.04~'21.12, 제로에너지 주택 건축 활성화를 위한 고성능·적정비용 건축자재 개발, 주거환경연구사업, 국토교통과학기술진흥원
◾ '17.09~'18.08, 건물 에너지성능 해석 고도화를 위한 범용 건축재료 데이터베이스 자동 수집 및 변환 프로그램 개발, 도약협력사업, 중소기업기술정보진흥원
◾ '17.03~'19.12, Ply-lam CLT를 이용한 실내 온열환경 평가 및 CLT규격/기준안 개발, 온실가스 감축 기술개발, 한국임업진흥원
◾ '16.09~'17.03, 주거공간 성능개선을 위한 상변화물질(PCM)의 건축물 적용 기술개발 기획, 국토교통연구기획, 국토교통과학기술진흥원
◾ '16.07~'17.07, 도시열섬현상 저감을 위한 PCM(Phase Change Material) Cool Roof System의 적용기술 개발, 창의도전연구, 국토교통과학기술진흥원
◾ '15.04~'21.02, 생활문제 해결 및 미래 대응 실내공기질 향상 기술개발, 주거환경연구사업, 국토교통과학기술진흥원
◾ 폐마스크 필터를 재활용한 흡음 석고보드 제작 연구, 2024년 건축친환경설비기술공모전 우수상, 한국건축친환경설비학회, 2024위승환
기타(학회활동 등)
◾ 4단계 BK21사업 우수 참여인력, 부총리 겸 교육부장관, 2022
◾ Microstructure and thermal characterization of aerogel-graphite polyurethane spray-foam composite for high efficiency thermal energy utilization, 우수논문상, 한국재료연구원, 2022
◾ 탄소중립의 중심에 서다, 2021 도전.한국 공모 우수상, 행정안전부장관, 2021
◾ Biochar 기반 PCM통합 인공파벽돌의 열적특성 평가, 2021년도 춘계학술발표대회 우수논문발표상, 한국생태환경건축학회, 2021
◾ 건축 단열재의 종류 및 특성에 따른 환경성능 평가, 2020년도 추계국제학술발표대회 우수논문발표상, 한국생태환경건축학회, 2020
◾ 건축용 단열재의 유해성 평가, 2020년 온라인 연차학술대회 우수논문상, 한국실내환경학회, 2020
카페 소음 저감을 위한 커피부산물 흡음재의 성능평가, 2019년도 추계학술발표대회 우수논문발표상, 한국건축친환경설비학회, 2019
◾ 다공성 소재 혼합 황토보드의 축열성능 평가, 2019년도 추계학술발표대회 우수논문발표상, 한국건축친환경설비학회, 2019
◾ 건물에너지성능 개선을 위한 최적 PCM 상변화온도 분석, 2019년도 추계학술발표대회 우수논문발표상, 한국건축친환경설비학회, 2019
◾ 다공성 무기소재 활용 상변화물질 복합체의 열적 성능 평가, 2019년도 하계학술발표대회 우수발표논문상, 대한설비공학회, 2019
◾ 기후 사이클링 평가기반 황토/Perlite, Vermiculite PCM 복합체의 열적 성능 평가, 2019년도 춘계학술발표대회 우수발표논문상, 대한건축학회, 2019
◾ 냉난방에너지 절감을 위한 축열석고보드 특성 기반 열적성능 평가, 2018년도 춘계학술발표대회 우수발표논문상, 한국태양에너지학회, 2018
◾ 건물에너지 절감을 위한 고축열 중공석고패널의 열적성능 평가, 2017년도 추계학술발표대회 우수논문상, 한국태양에너지학회, 2017
◾ 상변화물질 적용 건축재료를 이용한 건물에너지 저감 성능 평가, 2016년도 추계학술발표대회 우수논문발표상, 한국건축친환경설비학회, 2016
◾ 천연 상변화물질이 적용된 석고보드의 축열 성능 평가, 2016년도 추계학술발표대회 우수논문발표상, 한국건축친환경설비학회, 2016
◾ 다공성 탄소 재료에 따른 SSPCM 제조 및 열적 특성분석, 2016년도 추계학술발표대회 우수논문상, 한국태양에너지학회, 2016
◾ 건물에너지 절감을 위한 유기계 지방산 상변화물질을 이용한 석고보드 개발 및 열적성능 평가, 2016년도 추계학술발표대회 우수발표논문상, 대한건축학회, 2016
◾ PCM골재를 이용한 축열시스템 개발, HVAC 경진대회 동상, 대한설비공학회, 2015
◾ 건물에너지 저감을 위한 지방산 계열의 SSPCM 제조 및 열적성능 분석, 우수졸업논문전 우수상, 대한건축학회, 2015
담당부서 : 건축공학과
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