건축설계 및 디지털건축
무궁관 428-1호
Ph.D, Korea University
Master, Korea University
Bachelor, Korea University
주요 경력
2021. 09 ~ 2023. 09 Postdoctoral researcher, TU Delft
2020. 03 ~ 2021. 08 Postdoctoral researcher, Korea University
2007. 11 ~ 2010. 12 Designer, See Architects
연구 분야
Built environments and Human behavior
Experiments on human behavior using Virtual Reality
Evidence-based design and Research utilization
Pre- and Post-Occupancy Evaluation
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
Counter terrorism design and Risk evaluation for buildings
Universal design and Inclusive design
주요논문 및 저서
J. H. Rhee, B. Schermer, G. Han, S. Y. Park, and K. H. Lee, “The Effects of Nature on Restorative and Cognitive Benefits in Indoor Environment,” Scientific Reports 13(1), 2023.
S. Y. Park, C. Newton, and R. Lee, “How to alleviate feelings of crowding in a working from home environment: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20(2), 2023.
S. Y. Park and K. H. Lee, “Environmental Factors Influencing Target Selection for Burglary: Experimental Study Using Virtual Reality,” submitted to Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2022.
S. Y. Park, K. H. Lee, M. Tadić, and S. J. Kang, “Intrusion Route as an Analysis Unit for Residential Burglars’ Target Assessment,” Journal of Community Safety and Security by Environmental Design 13(1), 2022.
S. Y. Park, K. Y. Kang, and K. H. Lee, “Comparison between Virtual Reality and Image as an Experimental Tool for Studying Burglars’ Target Selection of Residence,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea 37(5), 2021.
S. Y. Park, M. Tadić, H. G. Hong, and K. H. Lee, “A Study on the Influence of Environmental Factors in Commercial Streets on Fear of Crime,” Journal of Community Safety and Security by Environmental Design 12(1), 2021.
S. Y. Park and K. H. Lee, “Burglars’ Choice of Intrusion Routes: A Virtual Reality Experimental Study,” Journal of Environmental Psychology 101582, 2021.
K. Y. Kang, S. Y. Park, H. Heo, M. S. Lee, and K. H. Lee, “Development of the vulnerability assessment model of explosive terrorism in multi-use buildings,” Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 19(3), 2019.
K. Y. Kang, S. Y. Park, and K. H. Lee, “Architectural Design Practitioners’ Perspectives on Anti-Terrorism Design of Multi-Use Buildings,” Journal of Community Safety and Security by Environmental Design 10(1), 2019.
K. Y. Kang, S. Y. Park, H. Heo, and K. H. Lee, “Classification of Architectural Design Elements for the Risk Assessment of Bomb Attack of Multi-Use Buildings,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea 34(7), 2018.
S. Y. Park and K. H. Lee, “Identification of Environmental Cues and Decision-making Strategies of Residential Burglars,” International Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology 4, 2017.
K. W. Kim, S. J. Kang, S. Y. Park, and K. H. Lee, “A Study on the Policy Planning for Activation of CPTED,” Journal of Community Safety and Security by Environmental Design 8(1), 2017.
S. Y. Park, K. Y. Kang, and K. H. Lee, “A Study on Color Schemes of Apartment Kitchens Considering Yellowed Eye Sight of the Elderly,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea 32(12), 2016.
S. Y. Park, S. W. Jung, I. S. Na, and K. H. Lee, “A Study on the Social Housing Policy in Australia,” The Korea Spatial Planning Review 89, 2016.
S. Y. Park and K. H. Lee, “Creating Cultural Cluster through Reuse of Industrial Heritage in the Inner city: Case Studies of M50, BankART1929, ARTPlatform,” Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal 24(6), 2015.
H. J. Lee, S. J. Kang, S. Y. Park, and K. H. Lee, “A Study on the Application of CPTED on Public Design on the Design Seoul Street,” Seoul Studies 16(2), 2015.
S. Y. Park and K. H. Lee, “Development of Dissemination Model of POE Findings to Improve Research Utilization in Design Process: Focused on Multi-Family Housing POE,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea 30(6), 2014.
K. H. Lee, S. J. Kang, and S. Y. Park, “A Study on the Application of Security Systems in Multi-Family Housings,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea 28(8), 2012.
저널 논문
◾ How are people coping with working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic?: Experiences from the Netherlands and South Korea, PLoS ONE, vol.19 No.4, 2024박소연
◾ 한기성; 박소연; 이경훈, 주거지역 가로등이 범죄불안감에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 가상현실 실험을 기반하여, 2024 (사)한국셉테드학회-(사)대한범죄학회 춘계 공동 학술대회, 경기대학교 종합강의동 2층 최호준홀, 2024박소연
기타(학회활동 등)
2022. 05 ~ present Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, Editorial board member
2019. 07 ~ 2020. 02 VR-e-in Memo (funded by K-STARTUP as a preliminary start-up package), Project Manager
담당자 : 도시부동산개발학과
전화번호 : 02-970-6562
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