Ph.D. in Urban Planning 2014
Price School of Public Policy
University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.
Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science and Technology 2011
Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.
Master of Science (Urban Design) 2004
Graduate School of Civil, Urban and Geo-system, Seoul National University (SNU), Korea
Bachelor of Science (Architectural Design) 2002
School of Architecture, SungKyunKwan University, Korea
주요 경력
Assistant Professor Sep 2019-Present
School of Architecture, College of Engineering,
Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Korea (http://archidesign.seoultech.ac.kr)
Assistant Professor 2015-2019
Department of Urban Planning, Division of Urban and Landscape
College of Engineering, Daegu University, Korea (http://urp.daegu.ac.kr)
Vice-Director, Africa Urban Development, CK-International project (http://aud.daegu.ac.kr/)
Adjunct Professor 2014-2015
Department of Urban Development
Graduate School, AJOU University, Korea (http://www.ajou.ac.kr)
Urban Research Division/Global Development Partnership Center (GDPC)
Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS), Korea (www.krihs.re.kr)
METRANS Center, USC (http://www.metrans.org) 2007-2012
KRIHS, Anyang, Korea (www.krihs.re.kr) 2004-2012
Gyeonggi Research Institute, Korea (www.gri.re.kr) 2004
BK21, Seoul National University, Korea (http://www.snu.ac.kr/research/bk21) 2002-2004
연구 분야
Healthy neighborhood design, People-Environment relationship, Site planning & design, Inclusive urban design (social-mix), Urban regeneration, Residential environmental planning, Neighborhood satisfaction, Policy and program evaluation, Quantitative analysis, Spatial analysis (GIS)
주요논문 및 저서
Ahn, YongJin and DongWook Sohn. 2019. “The effect of neighborhood-level urban form on residential building energy use: A GIS-based model using building energy benchmarking data in Seattle” Energy and Buildings https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.05.018 (SSCI)
Ahn, YongJin and Dohyung Kim. 2019. “The prevalence of asthma and severe asthma in children influenced by transportation factors: evidence from spatial analysis in Seoul, Korea” Cities 85, pp. 30-37 (SSCI)
Ahn, YongJin, Jiyoung Park, Tim A Bruckner, and Simon Choi. 2018. “Do local employment centers modify the association between neighborhood urban form and individual obesity” Environment & Planning A 50(5), pp. 1128-1143 (SSCI)
Kim, Dohyung and YongJin Ahn (Corresponding author). 2018. “Built environment factors contribute to asthma morbidity in older people: A case study of Seoul, Korea” Journal of Transport & Health 8, pp. 91-99 (SSCI)
Kim, Dohyung, YongJin Ahn (Corresponding author), Simon Choi, and Kwangkoo Kim. 2016. “Sustainable Mobility: Longitudinal Analysis of Built Environment on Transit Ridership” Sustainability 8(10), p.1016 (SSCI)
Ahn, YongJin. 2019. “Different Factors Affecting Resident Satisfaction by Physical Mixture between a Rental- and Sale Apartment Unit” Real Estate Appraisal, pp.1-13. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin and Juhyun Kim. 2019. “Factors contributing to neighborship in social-mix apartment complexes in Daegu: Difference among residents living in a sale- and (public) rental unit” Journal of Urban Design Institute of Korea 20(2), pp.21-32. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin. 2019. “The effect of physical environments in neighborhood on residential satisfaction of public rental apartment housings” GRI Review 21(1), pp.242-259. (In Korean)
Sohn, Changhoon and YongJin Ahn (Corresponding author). 2018. “Factor affecting the satisfaction of educational training program in local capacity building projects: empirical evidence on 5 rural development projects in Bonghwa” Journal of Governance Studies 13(4), pp.1-19. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin and Juhyun Kim. 2018. “Does physical configuration of public rental apartment housing influence neighborship satisfaction? Evidence from mixed tenure complexes in Seoul” Journal of the Korean Regional Development Association 30(5), pp.175-191. (In Korean)
Kim, Juhyun and YongJin Ahn (Corresponding author). 2018. “Different Factors Affecting Resident Satisfaction by Types of Public Rental Housing: Empirical Evidence from the Seoul Public Rental Housing Panel Survey in 2016 (First Year)” SH Urban Research & Insight 8(1), pp.1-17. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin. 2018. “The Effect of Socio-economic Characteristics of Residents on the Cognitive Evaluation for Physical Mixture-layout Types between a Rental- and Sale Apartment Housing Unit” The Korea Spatial Planning Review 96, pp.67-82. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin and Juhyun Kim. 2018. “Factor affecting the preference for mixed tenure housing types” GRI Review 20(1), pp.1-20. (In Korean)
Kim, Juhyun and YongJin Ahn (Corresponding author). 2017. “Association between social community environment and quality of life: Empirical evidence from Gyeonggi survey data in 2016” Journal of the Korean Regional Development Association 29(3), pp.73-90. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin and Deokho Cho. 2017. “Relationship between spatial cluster of traffic incidents and residential satisfaction among the elders: Evidence from multi-level analysis, Seoul Metropolitan Area” Journal of Governance Studies 12(3), pp.73-90. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin. 2017. “Relationship between street-connectivity and multi-family residential parcel values: Comparison of two urban development projects in Korea” Journal of Urban Policies 8(2), pp.37-53. (In Korean)
Kim, Juhyun and YongJin Ahn (Corresponding author). 2016. “The determinants of the intention of moving into public rental housing: A case of the newlyweds” Journal of Governance Studies 11(3), pp.241-257. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin. 2016. “Environmental design for crime prevention in a special school: Difference in design condition by school types” Journal of Special Education 23(2), pp.53-70. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin and Juhyun Kim. 2016. “Analysis on factors affecting housing purchase intention of newlywed households by the difference in priority order of housing supply” Residential Environment 14(3), pp.119-131. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin. 2016. “The effect of spatial cluster of local traffic incidents on residential satisfaction: Multi-level analysis on 25 districts in Seoul” Journal of Urban Design Institute of Korea 17(2), pp.5-18. (In Korean)
Bang, Youngchul and YongJin Ahn (Corresponding author). 2016. “Does the development of Daegu innovation city affect nearby housing prices in respect of urban spatial structure?: Evidence from hedonic price models by the comparison of distance-measurements” Journal of the Korean Regional Development Association 28(3), pp.131-146. (In Korean)
Bang, Youngchul and YongJin Ahn (Corresponding author). 2015. “The mediating effect of aircraft noise on housing price: A case of apartment complexes located in Dong-gu, Daegu” Residential Environment 13(4), pp.347-358. (In Korean)
Min, Sunghee, YongJin Ahn (Corresponding author), and Jeongho Park. 2015. “Spatial distribution of ethnic enclaves in Korea” Korea Spatial Planning Review 87, pp.115-130. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin and Jeeyub Kim. 2015. “Planning performance evaluation on the mixed-use development of gas station: Analysis on the difference in user satisfaction and factors affecting user satisfaction” GRI Review 17(2), pp.133-149. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin. 2014. “The influence of urban size and social quality on self-rated health status of women” Journal of Urban Design Institute of Korea 15(4), pp.153-165. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin and Jongjun Won. 2014. “Assessing the weights of indicator for the selection of international development cooperation projects: A case of urban development/infrastructure ODA” Journal of the Korean Regional Development Association 26(3), pp.71-84. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin and KunHyuck Ahn. 2008. “A Study on the weight of items for the effective operation of Master-Planner, as a design method adapted in new town development projects” Journal of Urban Design Institute of Korea 9(1), pp. 5-19. (In Korean)
Oh, SungHoon, YongJin Ahn, and KunHyuck Ahn. 2004. “A Study of the Observer-oriented Building Height Regulations in Urban areas with a Historic Landmark (point)” Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea (Planning and Design) 20(4), pp. 221-229. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin and KunHyuck Ahn. 2003. “A Study of the Observer-oriented Building Height Regulations in Urban area with a Historic Landmark (polygon),” Journal of Urban Design Institute of Korea 4(4), pp. 47-65. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin and DongWook Sohn, “Does spatial configuration matter in reducing resident’s conflict in high-rise public housing complexes? Evidence from mixed tenure housings in South Korea” International Conference of Asia-Pacific Planning Societies, Seoul, Korea, Aug 2019.
Ahn, YongJin and Dohyung Kim, “Transportation factors affecting child asthma morbidity: Evidence from spatial analysis in the city of Seoul, South Korea” Annual Meeting Western Regional Science Association, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Feb 2017.
Kim, Dohyung and YongJin Ahn, “The contributing factors to asthma morbidity of elderly population: a case study of Seoul, Korea” Annual Conference ACSP, Portland, Oregon, Nov 2016.
Ahn, YongJin, “An Analysis of Neighborhood Risk Factors in Obesity: Built-Environment Factors Influencing Individual Behavior” Annual Meeting European Regional Science Association, Risbon, Portugal, Aug 2016.
Ahn, YongJin, “Relationship between street-connectivity and multi-family residential parcel values: Comparison of two urban development projects in Korea” Annual Meeting Western Regional Science Association, Hawaii, Feb 2016.
Ahn, YongJin, “Does neighborhood crime deter daily-based active travel of residents? Evidence from Los Angeles County” Annual Meeting European Regional Science Association, Vienna, Austria, Aug 2015.
Ahn, YongJin, “Promoting non-motorized mobility: Experience of Suwon City”, Mayors Forum under South Asia Urbanization Flagship on “Managing Urban Transformation” organized by The World Bank, Kandy, Sri Lanka, May, 2014.
Kim, Dohyung, YongJin Ahn, and Simon Choi. “Longitudinal Analysis on Influence of Socio-demographic and Land Use Features on Transit Ridership”, 93rd Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Jan, 2014.
Ahn, YongJin. “Built Environment and Outdoor Leisure Activity under the individual time constraints”, Western Regional Science Association (WRSA) 51st Annual Meeting, Kauai, Hawaii, Feb. 2012.
Ahn, YongJin and Genevieve Giuliano. “Built environment, Time Constraints, and Physical Activity: A Path Analysis, Los Angeles County”, 52th Association of Collegiate School of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 2011.
Ahn, YongJin. “Revisiting the role of the built environment in physical activity: the effect of time-constraints, the riskscape, and intrapersonal factors on the outdoor leisure physical activity in Southern California region”, METRANS Seminar, School of Policy, Planning, and Development, University of Southern California, Feb. 2011.
Ahn, YongJin, JiYoung Park, and Simon Choi. “Connection between the built environment and health: The role of 4D (density, diversity, design, and destination) in individuals' BMI: Multi-year and Multi-level analysis”, Western Regional Science Association (WRSA) 50th Annual Meeting, Monterey, California, Feb. 2011.
Ahn, YongJin, JiYoung Park, and Simon Choi. “Examining the relationship between walkability and health: the role of dense places”, 51th Association of Collegiate School of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Oct. 2010.
Ahn, YongJin and JiYoung Park. “Spatial analysis of neighborhood obesity, built environment, and social capital: Geographically Weighted Regression”, The IV World Conference of the Spatial Econometrics Association Conference, Chicago (Downtown), Illinois. Jun. 2010.
Ahn, YongJin. “Effect of built environment for public transportation on obesity: Multilevel Analysis”, University of California Transportation Center (UCTC) Student Conference, University California at Irvine, Apr. 2010.
Ahn, YongJin and Bumsoo Lee, “Neighborhood Characteristics, Diet, Physical Activity, and Obesity: A Path Analysis”, Association of Collegiate School of Planning, 50th Association of Collegiate School of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, Crystal City Virginia, Oct. 2009.
Ahn, YongJin. “Do neighborhood characteristics have an effect on obesity?” 55th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI). Brooklyn, NY. Nov. 2008.
저널 논문
Ahn, YongJin. 2017. “Design Criteria and Practice of Urban Planning Facility” Young-Kwang (ISBN: 978-89-98808-61-7) (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin. 2017. “Understanding of Urban Development in Global Context” Young-Kwang (ISBN: 978-89-98808-57-0) (In Korean)
Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation. 2017. “Urban Planning & Disaster Prevention” Yeamoonsa (ISBN: 978-89-274-2185-6) (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin. 2017. “Strengthening Communities with Neighborhood Data” News & Review, K-Housing 12(1), pp.41-42. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin. 2016. “Environmental Gerontology: Making Meaningful Places in Old Age” News & Review, K-Housing 11(2), pp.31-32. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin. Summer 2016. “Global think-tank for Spatial Planning and Policy: SCAG” ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN SPACE (AURI) 22, pp.90-95. (In Korean)
Ahn, YongJin and Andy Hong. Feb 2014. “Understanding the Role of the Built Environment in Travel Behavior and Health” e-interview with Marlon Boarnet: PLANNING AND POLICY (KRIHS) 388, pp.83-103. (In English & Korean)
Ahn, YongJin. Oct 2007 to March 2013. “Global planning news: U.S.,” PLANNING AND POLICY (KRIHS) Volume 313-360. (In Korean)
Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS). 2010, 2011, and 2012 “Urban Information Network (UBIN) Webzine” Volume (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). (In Korean). http://ubin.krihs.re.kr
Ahn, YongJin. 2010. “Urban growth pattern and spatial issues of urban development in Tanta, Egypt,” World Cities (134): PLANNING AND POLICY (KRIHS) 341, pp.58-63. (In Korean).
Ahn, YongJin and HyunSik Kim. 2007. “Designation of the Central Commercial District in the City of Seoul,” KRIHS POLICY BRIEF 140, pp.1-8. (In Korean).
Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS) Reports (All with coauthors, in Korean)
◾ A Study on Demographic Analysis for National Territorial Planning 2016
◾ Policy Directions for Changing the Roles of Public Developers in Response to the Changes of Real Estate Development Environment 2016
◾ Health impact of TOD in Seoul and Los Angeles. National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences (https://www.nrc.re.kr) 2015
◾ Policy Consultation on the Strategy for National Physical Plan & New Town Development in Kuwait, concept paper (KSP III) 2014
◾ Master plan for Urban Development: the relocation of air-force base in Suwon 2014
◾ Planning and Design implications for Health City in Korea: Effect of Neighborhood Environmental Factors on Obesity in the City of Seoul 2009
◾ A Participatory Urban Design Framework for Housing Development in Korea 2007
◾ Policy Direction for Rational Supply of Public Service Facilities in Korea: Case of Mixed-use Complex by Private Sector Participants 2007
◾ Improving the Method of Land-use Control for Effective Urban Land Management 2006
◾ Method for Recapturing Planning Gains from Redevelopment Projects in Korea 2006
◾ A Study on Improving Urban Development Systems 2005
◾ Measures for Improving Urban Landscape Management Systems. 2005
◾ Planning Guidance on Residential Density Criteria. 2004
◾ Do Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Developments Expand Neighborhood Opportunities?, Buildings, vol.14 No.3719 pp.1~21, 2024안용진
◾ 쪽방 거주민의 주거 이동과 선호 주거유형 선택요인 - 다항 로짓모형을 활용한 서울시 실증분석 -, KIEAE Journal, vol.24 No.5 pp.75~81, 2024안용진
◾ 대규모 아파트 단지 내 교통사고 결정요인: 포아송 회귀모형을 적용한 서울시 실증분석, 대한건축학회논문집, 2024안용진
◾ 서울시 쪽방 거주민의 주거만족도: 순서형 로지스틱 모형을 활용한 물리적, 사회적 환경요인 영향 실증분석, 주택도시연구, vol.14 No.1 pp.51~66, 2024안용진
◾ 지역특수성을 고려한 장애인 체육센터의 건축계획연구: 군단위 소규모 체육시설을 중심으로, 청소년시설환경, vol.22 No.2 pp.32~42, 2024안용진
◾ 그린필드와 레트로핏 유형구분에 따른 UAM 버티포트 계획특성, 한국문화공간건축학회논문집, No.86 pp.87~95, 2024안용진
◾ 도로형태에 따른 아파트 단지 내 교통사고 예방을 위한 단지계획 방안, 한국생태건축환경학회 논문집, vol.24 No.2 pp.23~34, 2024안용진
◾ AHP 분석을 활용한 그린 스마트 미래학교 계획요소의 상대적 중요도 산정, 대한건축학회논문집, vol.40 No.3 pp.113~122, 2024안용진
◾ Built Environment and Outdoor Leisure Activity under the Individual Time Budgets, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.14 No.18, 2022안용진
◾ 노후 기준 차이를 고려한 단독주택 주거지 유형별 공간 분포 특성 : 대구광역시 실증분석, 地域政策硏究(충북연), vol.33 No.2 pp.39~60, 2022안용진
◾ 학교시설 범죄예방 환경설계 적용 전후 안전체감도 차이 규명: 설계자와 이용자 비교, 한국셉테드학회지, vol.13 No.2 pp.7~34, 2022안용진
◾ 텍스트마이닝 기법을 활용한 도시설계 학술논문 연구 영역 시계열 변화 고찰, 도시설계, vol.22 No.4 pp.5~15, 2021안용진
◾ Evaluating the short-term effect of a new monorail-type light rail transit on apartment sale prices: Did estimation in the case of daegu city, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.37 No.5 pp.133~140, 2021안용진
◾ Urban Innovation through Mega Sport Events: Evidence from the City of Seoul, Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, vol.10 No.1 pp.132~154, 2021안용진
◾ The Contribution of Neighborhood Tree and Greenspace to Asthma Emergency Room Visits: An Application of Advanced Spatial Data in Los Angeles County, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, vol.18 No.7, 2021안용진
◾ Legal analysis and enforcement schemes of through-block-connection under district unit plan, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.37 No.2 pp.155~161, 2021안용진
◾ 최재영, 김나연, 안용진, 공공지원 민간임대주택 주거서비스 시설 만족도 분석, 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 경주더케이호텔, 2024안용진
◾ Hyeong-jun Kwon, Jinwook Kim, Yongjin Ahn, Utilizing Decision Trees for Analyzing Factors Influencing Traffic Accidents in Apartment Complexes, ISAIA, Kyoto Institute of Technology, 2024안용진
◾ 권형준, 김진욱, 안용진, 쪽방거주민의 주거 선택요인 분석: 다항 로짓모형을 활용한 서울시 실증분석, 한국생태환경건축학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국과학기술회관, 2024안용진
◾ 김나연, 권형준, 안용진, 쪽방 거주민 근로특성이 쪽방거주의향에 미치는 영향: 로짓모형을 활용한 서울시 실증분석, 한국도시설계학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한양대학교, 2024안용진
◾ 권형준, 김진욱, 안용진, 아토피 환자와 도시환경과의 연관성 분석 공간계량모형을 활용한 서울시 행정동 실증분석, 2024 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한국과학기술회관, 2024안용진
◾ 권형준, 안용진, 아토피 진료와 도시환경의 연관성 분석을 위한 OLS와 MGWR 비교분석- 서울시 행정동 실증분석, 한국도시설계학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 한양대학교, 2024안용진
◾ 권형준, 김진욱, 안용진, Poisson Regression을 이용한 아파트 단지 내 교통사고 요인 분석- 서울시내 아파트를 중심으로 -, 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 하이원 그랜드호텔 컨벤션타워, 2023안용진
◾ 김나연, 안용진, 서울시 쪽방 거주민의 주거만족도에 영향을 미친 요인- 물리적 환경 요인과 사회적 환경 요인의 차이를 중심으로 -, 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 하이원 그랜드호텔 컨벤션타워, 2023안용진
◾ 정해주, 안용진, 그린필드와 레트로핏에 따른 UAM 버티포트 계획사례 분석, 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 하이원 그랜드호텔 컨벤션타워, 2023안용진
◾ 권형준, 안용진, AHP 분석을 활용한 미래주거단지 계획 요소 중요도 산정, 대한국토도시계획학회 춘계산학학술대회 논문집, 한국과학기술회관, 2023안용진
◾ 정해주, 안용진, 도시건축관점에서 본 UAM 버티포트 개발의 지속가능성 지표 중요도 평가, 한국도시설계학회 춘계학술대회 발표논문집, 고려대학교 안암캠퍼스, 2023안용진
◾ 정해주, 안용진, 그린 스마트 미래학교 사업의 효율적 건축계획을 위한 연구, 한국도시설계학회 추계학술대회 발표논문집, 대전시립미술관, 2022안용진
◾ 정상필, 서유화, 안용진, 김진욱, 안전플랫폼구축을 위한 디지털 트윈기술 기반 연구동향 조사, 한국생태건축학회 춘계학술대회 발표논문집, 서울과학기술대학교, 2021안용진
◾ 정다경 안용진, 학교시설 공간 장소 특성별 범죄예방 환경설계 적용 효과성 검토, 한국지역개발학회 춘계학술대회 자료집, 온라인개최, 2020안용진
Principal Investigator. A User Performance Evaluation on the Quality of Residential Environments: Panel Study of Neighborhood Spatial Dynamics, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), 2017-2019 ($90,000)
Principal Investigator. Revisiting social-mix of apartment housing: longitudinal analysis on performance evaluation of residential environments between rental and sale units, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), 2017-2018 ($20,000)
Principal Investigator. Neighborhood effect: Mixed tenure residential area in Daegu, DONG-IL Culture Foundation, 2018 ($10,000)
Principal Investigator. Promoting strategies for residential community in a public rental apartment housing , Daegu City, 2017 ($10,000)
Co-Principal Investigator. Design Guideline for CPTED in Special School. National Institute of Special Education, Ministry of Education in Korea, 2015 ($23,000)
Principal Investigator. Doctoral dissertation research grant. USC Lusk Center for Real Estate, 2011-2012 ($20,000)
Co-Principal Investigator (with Professor Bumsoo Lee, Department of Urban & Regional Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Neighborhood attributes and human behaviors: planning implication for healthy city in Korea, KRIHS Research grant, Summer 2009 ($10,000)
Principal Investigator. Review of Urban Planning System in Korea: District Unit Planning and Development Permission. KRIHS Research grant, Summer 2011($3,000)
◾ Analyzing Traffic Accidents in Seoul Apartment Complexes using Poisson Regression Analysis and Decision Trees, 우수논문발표상, ISAIA, 2024안용진
◾ 로짓모형을 활용한 임차가구의 주거불안 영향요인 분석, 장려상, 서울특별시, 2024안용진
◾ 쪽방거주민의 주거 선택요인 분석: 다항로짓모형을 활용한 서울시 실증분석, 우수논문발표상, 한국생태환경건축학회, 2024안용진
◾ 모노레일 경전철 개통이 아파트 매매가격에 미친 단기효과-이중차이분석을 활용한 대구광역시 실증분석, 우수논문상, 대한건축학회, 2022안용진
◾ Retro-fit Modular vertiport, 제1회 최대전시회 도시경관의 기록과 전환, 한국경관학회, 2023안용진
◾ 씨아트론, 2023 국제초대전시회, 한국실내디자인학회, 2023안용진
◾ Network in Cloud, 국제초대전 우수작품상, 한국실내디자인학회, 2022안용진
◾ Network in Cloud, 2022 창립30주년기념 국제초대전, 한국실내디자인학회, 2022안용진
◾ 선잠리빙랩, 2021 KICA 국제초대전, 한국문화공간건축학회, 2021안용진
◾ 선잠아트길, 2021 KICA 국제초대전, The Korean Institute of Culture Architechture, 2021안용진
기타(학회활동 등)
Editor, Korea Real Estate Review (http://www.kreri.re.kr) 2019-Present
Editor, Journal of Urban Design Institute of Korea (http://www.udik.or.kr) 2018-Present
Editor, Journal of Urban Policies (http://kaup.kr) 2016-Present
Editor, Journal of Korean Regional Development Association (http://www.krda.org) 2015-Present
Director, Korean Regional Development Association (http://www.krda.org) 2014-Present
Advisory Committee, Ministry of Gender Equality & Family, Korea 2014
Advisory Committee, Korea Mine Reclamation Corporation 2014
Review Service, Cities 2019-Present
Review Service, Journal of Transport & Health 2018-Present
Review Service, Sustainability 2017-Present
Review Service, International Journal of Urban Sciences 2016-Present
Member of Korean Regional Development Association 2014-Present
Member of American Planning Association 2010-Present
Member of Korea Planners Association 2010-Present
Member of Urban Design Institute of Korea 2002-Present
Member of Architectural Institute of Korea 2003-Present
Junior Policy Committee in Citizens for Decent Housing, Korea 2004-2007
GIS Certificate: Advanced analysis, ESRI KOREA 2005
National Technique: Architectural Engineering License, Korea 1998