2008 Master of Architecture II, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA USA
2003 Bachelor of Architecture, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL USA
2001 Exchange Program, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
2013 – 2017 Selldorf Architects, New York, NY USA
Senior Project ArchitectMuseum of Contemporary Art San Deigo, San Diego, California, USA
Hauser & Wirth Gallery, New York, NY
Hauser & Wirth Gallery Renovation, New York, NY
Christies West Gallery, New York, NY
2012 – 2013 Grimshaw, New York, NY USA
Qatar Civil Aviation Authority, Hamad International Airport, Doha, Qatar
Sea Rescue Facility, Hamad International Airport, Doha, Qatar
Integrated Command and Control Center, Hamad International Airport, Doha Qatar
2008 – 2012 Machado & Silvetti Associates, Boston, MA USA
Senior Designer
Black Family Visual Arts Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA
2003 – 2006 John Ronan Architects, Chicago, IL USA
Architectural Designer
Gary Comer Youth Center, Chicago, IL USA
Yale Steam Laundry Condominiums, Washington DC, USA
Chicago Hamburg Square, Hamburg, Germany
House on the Lake, St. Joseph, MI, USA
Perth Amboy High School Competition, Perth Amboy, NJ, USA
Research Areas
Architecture / Sustainable / Daylighting Design
Architectural Presentation Skill & Drawing
Architecture Design 2, 4
Architecture Preservation & Remodeling
Selected Publications
Selldorf Architects Portfolio and Projects, Phaidon, 244 – 247.
"Museum as Sustainability Model", 2011 Competitions Annual Review, 72 – 91.
"Gary Comer Youth Center", Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture, 664.
Journal Papers
◾ Daylighting Analysis and Simulation Tools in Architectural Design -Review of Tools and Compatibility with Architectural CAD Platforms, KIEAE Journal, vol.21 No.1 pp.13~22, 2021Oscar Kang
◾ Cost Benefit Analysis of Adaptive Solar Control and View Management - Case study of an office building in New York City, KIEAE Journal, vol.19 No.1 pp.17~24, 2019Oscar Kang
Conference Papers
◾ Oscar Kang, In-Young Jung, Hae-Sung Han, A Transdiciplinary Approach to Incorporate Daylighting Design in the Design Studio, 2022 KIEAE Conference, 한국과학기술해관, 2022Oscar Kang
◾ Oscar Kang, Development of a Simplified Solar Volume Generator, 2021년 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회논문집 제41권 제2호(통권 제76집) 2021. 10. 27 ~ 10. 30, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2021Oscar Kang
◾ Oscar Kang, Review of daylighting simulation tools and its integration with architectural CAD platforms, Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment Conference, 한국과학기술회관 국제회의장, 2019Oscar Kang
◾ 오중근, 2021제 21회 대학협력 주거환경개선사업 프로젝트 작품집, 저서, 979-11-6599-572-0, 서울특별시, 2021Oscar Kang
◾ Multiple Exhibits 2019, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.Oscar Kang
◾ Cost Benefit Analysis of Adaptive Solar Control and View Management, 산학협력단, 2018.04.~2019.03.Oscar Kang
◾ Multiple Exhibits, 산학협력단, 2018.04.~2019.03.Oscar Kang
◾ Daylight + Art, 2023 International Invitation Exhibition Works, Korea Institute of Interior Design (KIID), 2023Oscar Kang
◾ Art Complex, 2023 International ADIK Invitational Exhibition: Architecture & Humanity, 한국건축설계학회, 2023Oscar Kang
◾ Gateway + Park, The 4th Seoul Bienalle of Architecture and Urbanism 2023, 서울특별시, 2023Oscar Kang
◾ Expand, 2023 Summer Invited International Design Exhibition & Conference, The Korean Society of Design Culture, 2023Oscar Kang
◾ New Urban Plaza, 26th KISD International Space Design Exhibition, Korean Institute of Spatial Design, 2022Oscar Kang
◾ Y Residence, KICA International Invitational Exhibition 2022, The Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, 2022Oscar Kang
◾ Capturing Light, 2022 International Invitiation Exhibition, Korean Institute of Interior Design, 2022Oscar Kang
◾ Suvery of Contemporary LIbraries, 2022 Summer Invited Internation Design Exhibition, The Korean Society of Design Culture, 2022Oscar Kang
◾ Munsan Public Library, 2022 International Design Exhibition, Korea Institute of Design Research Society, 2022Oscar Kang
◾ Water Exhibition Center: Extending the Landscape, 2022 25th KISD International Space Design Exhibition, KISD, 2022Oscar Kang
◾ Inflection Point, 2021 24th International Space Design Invitation Exhibition, Korean Institute of Spatial Design, 2021Oscar Kang
◾ Shades of Black, 2021 International Invitation Exhibtion, Korean Institute of Interior Design, 2021Oscar Kang
◾ Seoul Center for the Disability; A house in the Park, KICA Invited International Exhibition 2021, KICA, 2021Oscar Kang
◾ Elevated Walkways of Seoul, 2021 International Design Exhibition & Conference, Korean Institute of Design Research Society, Korean Society of Public Design, 2021Oscar Kang
◾ The "Yard", KISD 23rd International Space Design Exhibition, Korean Institute of Spatial Design, 2021Oscar Kang
◾ Cultural Gym, International Invitational Exhibition 100 Architects of the Year 2020, Korean Institute of Architects (KIA), 2020Oscar Kang
◾ Hue, 2020 International Invitational, Korea Institute of Interior Design, 2020Oscar Kang
◾ Solaris: Renovating a Classroom with Daylight, 22nd International Space Design Exhibition, Korean Institute of Spatial Design (KISD), 2020Oscar Kang
◾ Solar Volume Generator, 2021 Summer Invited International Design Exhibition & Conference, KSDC, 2020Oscar Kang
◾ Busan Yongdogu Multi-purpose Gym, Honorable Mention, Busan Metroploitan City, 2020Oscar Kang
◾ Framing Nature, Hidden Architects, KIA (Korean Institute of Architects), 2020Oscar Kang
◾ Solar Aperture Homes, KISD International Space Design Exhibition 21st, Korean Institute of Spatial Design, 2019Oscar Kang
◾ Hung, 2019 International Invitation of Exhibition Works, Korean Institue of Interior Design, 2019Oscar Kang
◾ Disaster Prevention and Experience Center, 2019 KICA Invited International Exhibition, The Korean Insitute of Cultural Architecture, 2019Oscar Kang
◾ New Horizon, 2018 19th International Space Design Exhibition, The Korean Institute of Spatial Design, 2018Oscar Kang
◾ Origami Pavillion, 2018 KICA Invited International Exhibition, The Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, 2018Oscar Kang
◾ Threshold, KIID 2018 International Invitation Exhibition, Korean Institute of Interior Design, 2018Oscar Kang
◾ Cultural Boulevard, International Invitational Exhibition 100 Architects of the Year 2018, Korean Institute of Architects, 2018Oscar Kang
◾ Modular Residence, 2018 18th KISD International Space Design Exhibition, Korean Institute of Spatial Design, 2018Oscar Kang
◾ Library in the Park, 2017 International invitation Exhibition of Architecture, Korean Institute of Youth Facility & Environment, 2017Oscar Kang
◾ Ribbon Tower: A New Urban Gateway, 2017 KICA Invited International Exhibition, The Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, 2017Oscar Kang
◾ Fold: An urban floating park & ferry terminal, International Invitational Exhibition: 100 Architects of the year 2017, Korean Institute of Architects, International Union of Architects (UIA), 2017Oscar Kang
2017 – Current 한국건축가협회 정회원
2017 – Current 한국문화공간건축학회 정회원
2017 – Current 한국청소년시설환경학회 정회원
2017 – Current 한국실내디자인학회 정회원
2017 – Current 대한건축학회 정회원
2012 – Current AIA New York 정회원
2011 – Current 미국 건축사
2011 – Current 미국 친환경 자격증 (LEED AP BD+C)
2014 – AIA New England Merit Award, Black Family Visual Arts Center, Dartmouth College (Machado & Silvetti Associates)
2011 – New Taipei City Museum of Art 국제설계공모 Honorable Mention, New Taipei City Government
2009 – AIA Institute National Honor Award, The Gary Comer Youth Center (John Ronan Architects)
2008 – Best of Year Award, Interior Design Magazine, Yale Steam Laundry (John Ronan Architects)
2005 – Progressive Architecture Award, Citation, Perth Amboy High School (John Ronan Architects)
2003 – Jerrold Loebl Traveling Prize, IIT
2003 – Henry Adams Certificate, AIA2001 – John Augur Holabird Study Fellowship in Architecture, IIT