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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Housing and Urban Management
Sowon Ahn
∎1998 Ph.D., Psychology, The University of Chicago, U.S.A.
∎1995 Master, Psychology, The University of Chicago, U.S.A.
∎1991 B.A., Psychology, Yonsei University, Korea
∎2010-present, Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Seoul National University of Science & Technology
∎2009-2010, Research Fellow, Dept of Psychology, Yonsei University
∎2009-2008, Research Fellow, Dept of Psychology, Korea University
∎2005-2007, Research Fellow, Dept of Medical Education, Korea University
∎2002-2005, Research Fellow, Dept of Psychology, Sungkyunkwan University
∎2000-2002, Research Fellow, School of Business, Sogang University
Technology Marketing, Consumer Behavior, New Product Development, Behavioral Decision Making, etc.
Selected Publications
∎ Ahn, S., Ha, Y. W., Jo, M. S., Kim, J., & Sarigollu, E. (2021). A cross-cultural study on envy premium: The role of mixed emotions of benign and malicious envies. Current Psychology, 1-10.
∎ Ahn, S., Kim, J., & Ha, Y. W. (2015). Feedback weakens the attraction effect in repeated choices. Marketing Letters, 26(4), 449-459.
∎ Ahn, S., Yi, Y., & Ahn, D. (2009). Developing the Communication Skills Attitude Scale-Korean: Comparing attitudes between Korea and the West. Medical Education, 43, 246-253.
∎ Ahn,D. S., & Ahn, S.(2006). Problem based learning (PBL) case bank. Medical Teacher, 28, 744-747.
Journal Papers
◾ Effect of implicit theory of preference on variety seeking and life satisfaction: Focusing on food preference, Korean Journal of Consumer and Advertising Psychology, 2024안서원
◾ How far can good will toward social enterprises go?, Korean Journal of Marketing, 2024안서원
◾ 뉴스의 조절 초점 프레임과 백신 접종에 대한 위험지각, 그리고 예방 행동 간의 관계: 뉴스 강조 프레임은 코로나19 백신 접종 의향을 어떻게 견인하는가?*, Korean Journal of Communication and Information, vol.120 pp.86~107, 2023안서원
◾ 코로나19 백신 접종 행동의 결정 요인: 이타주의와 무임승차 프레임, 접종률, 그리고 정서 변수를 중심으로, Korean Journal of Broadcasting and Telecommunication Studies, vol.37 No.5 pp.168~194, 2023안서원
◾ Risk perception and vaccination intention towards COVID-19 news: Effects of numerical information format, personal traits, and emotion, Korean Journal of Journalism and Communication Studies, vol.66 No.6 pp.388~425, 2022안서원
◾ Effects of Customer Rating and Review on Purchase Intention of Experience Product: Moderating Effects of Preference Similarity and Preference Differentiation, Journal of Consumer Studies, vol.33 No.4 pp.1~25, 2022안서원
◾ A Cross-Cultural Study on the Effects of Envy-Evoking Ads, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARKET RESEARCH, vol.64 No.4 pp.506~525, 2022안서원
◾ A cross-cultural study on envy premium: The role of mixed emotions of benign and malicious envies, Current Psychology, 2021안서원
Conference Papers
◾ 무카따스, 안서원, The effect of smart phone usage category on seniors' intention to use kiosk, 2024 Integrated Consumer Conference, 상명대학교, 2024안서원
◾ 안서원, Effect of Implicit theory of preference on variety seeking and life satisfaction, 2024 Korean Society of Consumer Studies Spring Conference Proceeding, 단국대학교, 2024안서원
◾ 안서원, How do we spend our leisure time and when are we satisfied?, 2024 Korean Society for Consumer and Advertising Psychology Spring Conference Proceeding, 전북대학교, 2024안서원
◾ 이완수, 안서원, How source credibility affect the safety perception of Covid19 vaccine and vaccination intention, The power of communication to mediate and coordinate, 경희대학교 청운관, 2023안서원
◾ 이완수, 안서원, Types of Message Source and vaccination intention: Source credibility and message persuasiveness, Next Pandemic and Advertising PR: Risk Communication and Technology, 코엑스 컨퍼런스룸, 2023안서원
◾ 안서원, 경험재 온라인 구매 시 소비자는 후기의 어떤 내용에 영향을 받는가?, 2022 소비자분야 통합학술대회, 고려대학교, 2022안서원
◾ 안서원, Advertising cases and communication research utilizing nudges, 한국광고홍보학회 특별기획 세미나, 한양대학교, 2022안서원
◾ 안서원, 고객 평점과 후기의 내용이 상반될 때 고객들은 어떻게 반응할까?, Spring Conference Proceedings of Korean Society of Consumer & Advertising Psychology, 고려대학교, 2022안서원
∎ Ahn, S., & Ahn, G. (2015). Behavioral Decision Making, Bobmunsa.
∎ Ahn, S. (2006). Simon & Kahneman, Kimyoungsa.
∎ Ahn, S. (2001). Psychology on Judgment and Decision Making, Sigmapress.
◾ 안서원, Behavioral Decision Making, 저서, 978-89-18-91466-4, Bummoonsa, 2024안서원
◾ Characteristics of YouTube Video Network of Creative Consumption and Analyses of Consumer Responses Through Comments: Focusing on Ikea hack, Best paper award, Korean Consumption Culture Association, 2021안서원
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