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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Housing and Urban Management
Jeon, Jung Yeol
Financial Accounting; Gov't Accounting
∎1995 Ph.D., Financial Accounting, University of Southern California, U.S.A.
∎1988 Master, Business Administration, California State University, U.S.A.
∎1977 BA, Bachelor of Arts(German), Seoul National University, Korea
2010. 10~ present Government Accounting & Finance Center, Member of Avisory Committee
2013. 6 ~ 2016. 3 KB Life Insurance Corporation, Outside Director
Research Areas
Financial Accounting & Government Accounting
Principles of Accounting, Financial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting
Selected Publications
Jeon, Jung Y., and J.H. Yi. 2000. The Monitoring Effect of Large Outside Shareholders: 13D Filings in Firms with Antitakeover Charter Amendments. International Journal of Finance (volume 12, No. 2): 1755-1771.
Journal Papers
Jeon, Jung Y. 2010. A Research on the Private Certificate Program for Governmental Accountants. Korean Governmental Accounting Review. Vol.8, No.2, December 2010.
◾ 통합정부회계기준에 대한 연구, Korean Governmental Accounting Review, vol.15 No.1 pp.51~101, 2017전중열(명예교수)
◾ 정부회계 민간자격증제도에 관한 연구, 정부회계연구, vol.8권 No.2호 pp.33~60, 2010전중열(명예교수)
Conference Papers
Jeon, Jung Y. 2006. Important Contents of the Local Government Accounting Standards. Proceedings of 2006 Local Finance Association: 195-222.
◾ 전중열, 중앙정부 발생주의 재정지표에 관한 연구, 한국회계학회 동계학술대회, 연세대학교 경영관, 2016전중열(명예교수)
Jeon, Jung Y. 2015. Accounting Practice. Shin-Young-Sa.
Jeon, Jung Y. 2014. Accounting Principles. Shin-Young-Sa.
◾ 저자: 전중열, 회계학개론(2판), 저서, 978-89-5501-615-4, 신영사, 2017전중열(명예교수)
◾ 저자: 전중열, Practice of Accounting, 저서, 978-89-5501-504-1, 신영사, 2015전중열(명예교수)
◾ 저자: 전중열, Accounting Principles, 저서, 978-89-5501-475-4, Shinyoungsa, 2014전중열(명예교수)
◾ 저자: 전중열, Essentials of Governmental Accounting, 저서, 979-11-85281-04-9, Shinyoung Books, 2014전중열(명예교수)
◾ 저자: 전중열, Governmental Accounting for Central and Local Governments, 저서, 979-11-85281-03-2, Shinyoung Books, 2014전중열(명예교수)
◾ 한국정부회계학회 편, (객관식) 정부회계, 저서, 978-89-5501-351-1, 신영사, 2011전중열(명예교수)
◾ 디자인-기술 융합전문대학원 육성, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2015.03.~2019.02.전중열(명예교수)
◾ 회계학 연습, 산학협력단, 2014.05.~2015.04.전중열(명예교수)
◾ 회계학개론, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.02.전중열(명예교수)
◾ 국가 및 지방자치단체 정부회계, 산학협력단, 2012.09.~2014.02.전중열(명예교수)
◾ 객관식 복식부기 정부회계, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2014.02.전중열(명예교수)
◾ 교육분야 최우수교육상 수상, 교육분야 최우수교육상 수상, 서울과학기술대학교, 2013전중열(명예교수)
◾ 2010학년도 교육분야 우수교수 선발 포상, 교수학습개발센, 2011전중열(명예교수)
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