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Department of Housing and Urban Management
Kang, Shin Ae
International Business
2009 Ph.D., International Business/International Finance, Seoul National University, Korea
2002 Master, International Business/International Finance, Seoul National University, Korea
1997 B.S., Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea
Fall 2011 - Current, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Seoul National University of Science & Technology
2018, Visiting Scholar, Center for Korea Studies, University of Washington
2010-Summer 2011, Research Professor, Business School, SungKyunKwan University
2006 Assistant of International Business, Business Administration, Seoul National University

* Awards
2009. 11. 13. Best Ph.D. Paper Award, Korean Academy of International business
Journal Papers
◾ ESG 활동이 기업이미지와 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 몽골 APU와 MCS 코카콜라를 중심으로, 무역통상학회지, vol.24 No.5 pp.63~95, 2024강신애
◾ An Analysis of Exchange Rate Exposure Characteristics Before and After COVID-19: A Focus on the Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry, 상업교육연구, vol.38 No.5 pp.227~256, 2024강신애
◾ 보호무역주의와 글로벌 기업의 대응: 월풀 대 삼성전자·LG전자 사례 분석, 혁신기업연구, vol.9 No.3 pp.357~383, 2024강신애
◾ A Study on Foreign Exchange Risk Management of Korean ICT Manufacturing Companies during the COVID-19 Pandemic, 국제경영리뷰, vol.28 No.2 pp.125~140, 2024강신애
◾ 정부보조금이 연구개발투자에 미치는 영향: 중국 신삼판 기업을 중심으로*, 국제경영연구, vol.34 No.3 pp.61~86, 2023강신애
◾ The Effect of Managerial Ability on Investment Efficiency Exposure Focused on Chinese New Third Board Firms, Korean Management Consulting Review (KMCR), vol.23 No.1 pp.29~45, 2023강신애
◾ 중국 신삼판(新三板) 기업의 이전상장지도 공시효과에 관한 연구, 경영컨설팅연구, vol.22 No.5 pp.13~25, 2022강신애
◾ A Study on Product Price Endings in Online Shopping Malls: Focusing on Korean, German and the U.S. Markets, 국제경영리뷰, vol.26 No.2 pp.133~148, 2022강신애
◾ 기업의 경영전략이 환노출에 미치는 영향, 경영컨설팅연구, vol.22 No.1 pp.199~211, 2022강신애
◾ 경영자능력과 기업의 환노출간 관계 연구 : 상해증권거래소 상장기업을 중심으로, 국제경영리뷰, vol.25 No.4 pp.123~141, 2021강신애
강신애 외(2018), "글로벌 기업재무", 시그마프레스
강신애 외(2014), "국제경영학", 피어슨에듀케이션코리아
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