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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Housing and Urban Management
Lew, Khan Oak
Risk management & Insurance, Investment
∎1990 Ph.D., Risk Management and Insurance, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
∎1985 Master (MBA), Business Administration, Drexel University, U.S.A.
∎1978 BPA, Public Administration, Yonsei University, Korea
∎2006-2007 President, Korea Risk Management Society, Korea
∎2007-2008 President, Korea Insurance Academic Society, Korea
∎2006-2008 Financial Development Council, Ministry of Finance and Economy, Korea
∎2006-2008 Dean, Office of Planning and Budgets, Seoul National University of Science & Technology
∎2010-2011 Dean, Office of Academic Affairs, Seoul National University of Science & Technology
∎2009-2014 Outside Director, Samsung Life Insurance, Korea
∎2010-2017, Dispute Mediation Committee, Fair Trade Commission, Korea
∎2016-present, Dean, School of Business and Technology, Seoul National University of Science & Technology
Research Areas
Corporate risk management, Insurance operation, Asset management of insurers, Risk-based capital
Corporate Risk Management, Insurance, Investment
Selected Publications
∎2017, Lew Keun Ock, "The Effect of Risk Based Capital Ratios on Life Insurers' Performance, Korea Insurance Journal, No. 110, 87~117.
∎2016, Lew Keun Ock, Convergence of Insurance and Capital Markets, Moon Young Publishing (Seoul).
∎2014, Lew Keun Ock, "The Effects of Products, Expenses, and Capital Charteristics on Performances of Life Insurers," Journal of Risk Management, Vol. 25, No. 4, 59~94.
∎2013, Lew Keun Ock and Seungruyl Ma, “A Study on Improving the Payment Schemes of Disability Benefits in the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Program,” Koren Social Security Studies, Vol. 29, No.1, 59~88.
∎2012, Lew Keun Ock and Seungruyl Ma, “A Study on Evaluating Total Loan Cost Rate of the Reverse Mortgage Products,” Housing Studiews Review, Vol. 20, No. 3, 77~102
∎2011, Hong Soon Koo, Keun Ock Lew, Richard MacMinn and Patric Brockett, “Mossin’s Theorem given Random Initial Wealth,” Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 78, No. 2, 309-324.
∎2012, Lew Keun Ock, Corporate Risk Management, Munyoung Publishing, Korea

* Awards
2009, Best Paper Award, Korea Insurance Academic Society. “Comparing Performance of Life Insurers Controlled by Financial and Industrial Capitals to Justify the Separation Rule,” Korean Insurance Journal (December 2008)
Journal Papers
◾ 스위스 PostFinance의 혁신전략과 시사점, Post Information Review, vol.111 No.1997 겨울 pp.73~95, 2017류근옥(명예교수)
◾ The Effect of Risk Based Capital Ratios on Life Insurers’ Performance, Korean Insurance Journal, No.110 pp.87~115, 2017류근옥(명예교수)
◾ A Study on Evaluating Efficiency of the PostalInsurance Operation by DEA and SFA, 보험학회지, No.104 pp.31~68, 2015류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 동시시뮬레이션 기법에 의한 주택연금의 보증리스크 평가, 주택연구, vol.23 No.2 pp.143~179, 2015류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 생명보험사의 상품, 사업비 및 자본특성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향, 리스크관리연구, vol.25 No.2 pp.59~93, 2014류근옥(명예교수)
◾ A Study on Improving the Payment Schemes of Disability Benefits in the Workers' Compensation Insurance Program, Korean Social Security Studies, vol.29 No.1 pp.59~88, 2013류근옥(명예교수)
◾ A Study on Evaluating Total Loan Cost Rate (TLCR) of the Reverse Mortgage Products, Housing Studies Review, vol.20 No.3 pp.77~102, 2012류근옥(명예교수)
◾ Mossin's Theorem Given Random Initial Wealth, JOURNAL OF RISK AND INSURANCE, vol.78 No.2 pp.309~324, 2011류근옥(명예교수)
Conference Papers
◾ 류근옥, Profitability and Risk Based Capital in the Korean Insurance Industry, 2016 GSOM Emerging Markets Conference, 국립피터스버그 대학교, 2016류근옥(명예교수)
◾ Keunock Lew, Evaluating Insurer's Risk Embedded in the Korean Reverse Mortgage Program Using Concurrent Simulation Method, IISES Proceedings (CD), 비엔나, 2015류근옥(명예교수)
◾ Keun Ock Lew and Seungryul Ma, Loan provider's Profitability and Guarantor's Risk in the Reverse Annuity Program, Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Novotel Prague, 2014류근옥(명예교수)
◾ Lew Keun Ock, A study on housing culture and loan cost rate of reserve mortgage pension products in Korea, XII Conference European Culture, Catalunya University, 2013류근옥(명예교수)
◾ Seungryul Ma, Jongwook Synn, Analyzing the relationship between Lender's Profitability and Guarantors' Risk in the Mortgage Program, Proceedings of International Journal of Arts & Sciences, Rome, 2011류근옥(명예교수)
◾ S. Ma, J. Synn, Analyzing Lender's Profitability and Insurer's Risk in the Reverse Mortgage Loan, EBES Proceddings (CD), 아테네 Athens, 2010류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 생명보험계약 전매제도의 해외사례 및 국내도입 논의에 대한 고찰, 생명보험협회논문집 (RP 001695), 은행연합회관, 2010류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 류근옥 저, Convergence of Insurance & Capital Markets, 저서, 978-89-8207-174-4, 文英社, 2016류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 저자: 한국보험학회,, 보험경영의 어제와 오늘 : 한국보험학회 창립 50주년 기념 경영사례집, 저서, 978-89-8207-163-8, 文英社, 2014류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 류근옥 지음, 세상을 바꾼 보험, 저서, 978-89-98886-57-8, 교보문고, 2013류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 김성재, Risk & Insurance, 저서, 978-89-8207-156-0, 文英社, 2013류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 류근옥, Corporate Risk Management, 저서, 978-89-8207-153-9, Moonyoung, 2012류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 류근옥, (전정판) 보험과 리스크관리, 저서, 978-89-8207-135-5, 문영사, 2010류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 돈의 과학, 산학협력단, 2018.06.~2019.02.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 보험유통에서 시장지향성의 역할, 산학협력단, 2017.07.~2018.06.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 공유형 주택모기지의 기대수익률과 리스크 분석, 산학협력단, 2017.06.~2018.05.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 창의산업융합 특성화 인재양성사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2017.03.~2019.02.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 에너지산업 기술금융 고급트랙, 한국에너지기술평가원, 2016.06.~2018.04.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 정부재정사업 : 철도 핵심인력 양성사업, 국토교통부, 2016.01.~2016.01.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 손해보험사의 지급여력이 기업가치에 미치는 영향, 산학협력단, 2015.07.~2016.06.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ DEA를 이용한 우체국보험 지점별 성과 비교, 산학협력단, 2014.12.~2015.11.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 동시시뮬레이션 기법에 의한 주택연금의 보증리스크 평가, 산학협력단, 2014.11.~2015.11.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 보험 및 자본시장의 융합과 상품개발, 산학협력단, 2014.10.~2015.09.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ [2차년도 LINC사업] 융합교과과정 연구과제 - 인문학과 기술 경영의 융합, 서울과학기술대학교 산학협력단, 2013.12.~2014.01.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 생명보험 가입자의 기대 효용과 후회, 산학협력단, 2013.09.~2014.02.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 세상을 바꾼 보험, 산학협력단, 2013.09.~2014.02.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 산업재해보상보험의 장해보상 연금과 일시금 지급체계의 합리화 방안, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.류근옥(명예교수)
◾ 주택연금과 농지연금의 총대출비용률(TLCR) 평가 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.류근옥(명예교수)
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